Securing Tomorrow: SPPCS Police Officers Honored at CPP Training Closing Ceremony!

Superintendent Muliagatele Tavete Tusani kicked off the event with a heartfelt prayer, setting the tone for an occasion brimming with solemnity and reverence. Senior Sergeant Junior Afereti, the distinguished CPP instructor, then stepped in, sharing invaluable feedback and insights gleaned from the intensive training regimen.

Throughout the program, nine resilient female officers and fifteen dedicated male officers from various units within the SPPCS delved into a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, honing their skills to perfection.

The climax of this rigorous training coincides with a pivotal moment as Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services prepares to host the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). The participants’ proficiency in Close Personal Protection (CPP) training is poised to play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of esteemed delegates and attendees.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Leausalilo Norman Meni, representing the Samoa Police Commissioner, Executives, and Senior Management, delivered a poignant address, emphasizing the paramount importance of CPP training in safeguarding both dignitaries and the public at large. He stressed the pivotal role each participant plays in upholding the highest standards of service and professionalism, saying, “It’s not just about the work; it’s about the outcome.”

Furthermore, he underscored the essential attributes of pride, discipline, and character that must permeate every facet of the participants’ service, particularly in their role as protectors.

With genuine admiration and appreciation, AC Meni extended heartfelt congratulations to all the participants for their unwavering commitment and diligence throughout the training period.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Assistant Commissioner Leausalilo Norman Meni formally concluded the CPP training, symbolizing the transition of participants from diligent learners to proficient guardians. Their newfound skills and expertise stand as a testament to their dedication to duty and readiness to serve with honor.

In light of their commendable achievement, we extend our warmest congratulations to the participants of the CPP training program. May their unwavering dedication and commitment continue to inspire excellence within the ranks of the Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services, as they stand ready to uphold the values of duty, honor, and service