Sailiga o Fualaau Fa’asaina i le Maketi o i’a i Savalalo. Sa fa’atinoin se galuega a le Matagaluega i le aoauli o le aso Faraile 15 Mati ma taofia ai ni alii se toa lima (5) i le umiaina o fualaau fa’asaina. O nei alii e aofia ai se alii;
40 tausaga o Vailele ma Lefagaoalii
23 tausaga o Lepea
47 tausaga o Salelavalu
44 tausaga o Vaiusu
24 tausaga o Manono
Ua taofia uma i latou seia aulia le aso 9 o Aperila 2024 mo le valaauina i luma o le fa’amasinoga.
Taualumaga o le Fa’amasinoga
Fasioti Tagata Paivalea i le tausaga 2019 ua fa’amauina le ioeina ese au uso se toalua o lenei mataupu ina ua amatalia taulumaga o le fa’amasinoga mo le tuuina atu o mau a le Itu a Leoleo. O lenei ioega ua fa’asaoina ai se taimi o le fa’amasinoga sa fuafuaina ai le 2 vaiaso e fa’agasolo ai lenei mataupu. O le a tuuina mai le fa’asalaga ale Fa’amasinoga i le fa’aiuga o lenei masina.
O loo fa’agasolo tapenaga a le Matagaluega e ala i ana fonotaga ma sui faufautua mai ofisa o Leoleo i Niu Sila, Ausetalia ua fa’amautu nei i Samoa mo tapenaga o le puipuiga o le fonotaga a Taitai o Malo o le Taupulega.
Manuia le alo atu i le aso Sapati a taeao Samoa
Search for illicit drugs at the Fish Market, Savalalo on Friday afternoon resulted in the arrest of 5 individuals. All were later charged with possession of narcotics. The five individuals includes male;
40 years of Vailele and Lefagaoalii
23 years of Lepea
47 years of Salelavalu
44 years of Vaiusu
24 years of Manono
All five have been remanded in custody until the 9th April for court mention.
On Monday at the commencement of the two weeks trial for Murder, from a 2019 incident two brothers vacated their not-guilty plea and have pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Both are now scheduled for sentencing at the end of this month.
SPPCS is continuing its preparations for the security of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting with ongoing meetings with advisors from New Zealand Police, Australia Federal Police and Australia Defense now in country for security preparations. TOGETHER WE CAN