Closing of the 3rd Closing Personal Protection Course.

On the 15th December 2023 the Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services conducted a closing ceremony for the 3rd Close Personal Protection Course held in Samoa. These training is all part of SPPCS preparation for CHOGM 2024. Ten new officers graduated today as Close personal protection officers and eight were certified as CPP instructors
Deputy Commissioner Lafaitele Herbert Aati acknowledges the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for their continuing support in providing training for Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services (SPPCS). “I would like to express my gratitude to the instructor thank you for the work, skills, and knowledge that you have shared, which has allowed our officers to enhance their capability in the field of Close Protection”
He highlighted that the course was a 6-week course, but the graduates had completed it in 2 weeks of training, which is a showcase of their dedication to the training since day one. “From the course report, you have done 6 weeks of CPP training within 2 weeks and this speaks highly of your dedication as well as the professionalism and knowledge shared by our past and present AFP instructors”
Among the graduates this afternoon, two Police officers from Kingdom Tonga Police received their awards at the ceremony, and Deputy Commissioner Lafaitele Herbert Aati congratulated them. “I believe that skills and knowledge you have gained in this course will be a great benefit to your organization, country as well the region” stated Deputy Commissioner.
Detective Leading Senior Constable Sam Guest of AFP expresses his gratitude to the participants as well as the Samoa Police instructors who assist in the training “We share our pride in their success….and the quality of the applicant and the development of the Samoa Police in CPP”
Deputy Commissioner Lafaitele Herbert Aati thanked everyone who attended and reminded the participants to be proud of their achievements and to uphold the discipline and professionalism attained from the training in all aspects of their policing work.