Bicycle Officers Patrol Program

Bicycle training is set to continue this week, with the second group of participants focusing on the fundamental techniques and aspects of the Bicycle Patrol. The program is being conducted with valuable support from the Australian Federal Police (AFP).
The aim of the program is to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively carry out their duties as bicycle patrol officers. Through a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises, the trainees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and strategies used in bicycle patrol operations.
Upon completion of the training course, the three selected members from the Bike Unit will be responsible for passing on their newly acquired knowledge and skills to other members of the Samoa Police.
Leading Senior Constable Clint Gordon, a member of the Australian Federal Police- Driver Training team, has provided an update on the progress of the training program. According to Clint, the training has been going well so far, with notable achievements from the selected three individuals chosen for the “train the trainers” course.
Clint expressed his satisfaction with the attitude and dedication displayed by all participants.
He commended their commitment to learning and their willingness to incorporate the advice and guidance provided to them. Furthermore, Clint specifically recognised the exceptional performance of the new trainers, highlighting their excellent work throughout the training process.